Over 1.5 billion people worldwide are hearing-impaired! What bad habits can damage hearing? What are the symptoms?

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In recent years, the number of patients with sudden ear diseases caused by work stress, life pressure, emotional stimulation, and long-term inappropriate bad habits is currently showing an increasing trend. For this reason, otolaryngology experts remind the public: You can dig your ears if you want to, and digging too deep may hurt the eardrum; bad habits such as wearing headphones for a long time to listen to music, talking on the phone, etc. can cause no less damage to hearing than high-decibel noise. Stimulating... Deafness and hearing loss are major public health issues facing the world. The latest "World Hearing Report" released by WHO shows that one in five people in the world is hearing impaired, and hearing loss affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide. .

Over 1.5 billion people worldwide are hearing impaired! What bad habits can damage hearing? What are the symptoms? What bad habits can damage hearing? 1. Wear headphones when taking the subway or bus. The environment on the bus or subway is noisy. To hear the sound in the earphones clearly, you usually turn up the volume. Doing so for a long time can damage your hearing.

2. Wear headphones when sleeping. If you sleep with headphones on, your ears will still be irritated, which can easily damage your hearing.

3. “Talking on the phone”. Answer phone calls frequently or for long periods of time.

4. Often use hard objects to pick out the ears. Using ear picks, toothpicks and other hard objects to pick out the ears can easily damage the skin of the ear canal and even the eardrum.

5. Frequently go to KTV and other high-decibel places. Even short stays in these high-decibel locations can cause hearing damage.

6. Excessive fatigue and excessive pressure. When a person is highly stressed, the blood vessels in the ears constrict, causing ischemia and hypoxia, and may even cause deafness.

7. Blowing your nose incorrectly. If you pinch the sides of your nose with your fingers and blow it, the pressure is too great and the mucus may travel to your ears and throat, causing a perforation of the eardrum.

What are the symptoms of hearing impairment

The so-called hearing impairment means that a person cannot listen like a person with normal hearing. Hearing impairment can range from mild to Severity. Some textbooks define "deafness" as varying degrees of hearing loss, but "deafness" at this time does not mean total deafness.

Mild hearing loss: Not yetCommunication is possible through speech, but whispers are not audible.

Moderate hearing loss: Inability to hear daily conversations, which affects communication, especially in noisy environments (such as inability to communicate under loud background music). You can communicate in a quieter place, and you can use lip reading to help understand the other person's speech.

Severe hearing impairment: unable to hear loud sounds, may retain some speech ability, but must be combined with lip reading and other information to assist communication.

Extremely severe hearing loss is called "deafness". People who cannot hear shouting, cannot learn speech, and can only communicate through sign language.

Experts remind: Prevention is more effective than treatment

For hearing loss, prevention is far more effective than treatment. "Because hearing damage cannot be cured, we can only take some treatments to maintain the current status in clinical practice. Therefore, the best treatment is early prevention to avoid hearing damage."

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