How to improve declining hearing? How to train your listening skills to become better?

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As we age, the small hair cells in the inner ear begin to be damaged and cannot absorb certain vibrations as well as they once did. Additionally, excessive noise can damage the hair cells in the ear, leading to premature hearing loss.

How to improve declining hearing? How to train your listening skills to become better? Hearing loss. If it is sensorineural, and it lasts for more than one month, most of it cannot be improved through treatment. The function of the human body is to use it or lose it. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve hearing and hearing sensitivity through auxiliary equipment (Hearing Aids/cochlear implants); on the other hand, it is necessary to listen more, speak more, and communicate with others more. Physical training relies on movement, and listening training relies on listening and speaking. Be careful not to listen with headphones for a long time, and avoid going to noisy karaoke bars or construction sites. If necessary, use anti-noise earplugs.

Avoid loud noises
The best way to prevent and improve noise-induced hearing loss is to stay away from the noise as much as possible. If you notice the following situations, it indicates that the noise damages your hearing:
▲ You think it is necessary to say loudly to let others hear
▲ It is difficult for you to hear people around you
▲Ear pain

▲You have tinnitus or hear a buzzing sound

 Be careful when listening to music
 When listening to music with headphones on When you are trying to separate other sounds outside, you tend to turn up the music volume to the maximum. Don’t forget that even adjusting the volume can have a significant impact on your health.
Choose to buy headphones with noise filtering capabilities instead of turning up the volume to suppress outside noise.
▲Don’t turn up the volume louder.
▲Avoid turning on the volume more than 60% of the maximum volume

▲Do not use headphones for more than 1 hour. Take off the headphones after about 10 minutes to relax your ears and avoid damage.

Protect your ears when participating in activities with a lot of noise
It is important to protect your ears from particularly loud noises in bars, concerts, nightclubs, construction roads, sporting events, etc. Please pay attention to the following points:
▲Avoid excessive noise sources.
▲Find ways to give your ears a rest and eliminate noise every 15 minutes.
▲After being exposed to loud sounds above the threshold, take about 18 hours to let your ears recover.
▲Consider wearing earplugs.

Add some aerobic exercise to your schedule
Improve your hearing through exercise. Improving cardiovascular health can help increase hearing sensitivity. Exercise helps promote blood circulation. Such as walking, cycling, swimming, each session lasts 20-30 minutes to maintain performance. 5 days a week. These exercises help circulate blood from inactive parts of the body to areas with more metabolic activity.

Engage in exercise to help increase hearing
Research shows that hearing loss can cause gray matter in the auditory areas of the brain to shrink, especially in older adults. Therefore, some intellectual activities like solving puzzles and sound games can help you become smarter. Such as crossword puzzles, etc.
Also, practice identifying sound types. Go to a relatively quiet place, close your eyes, and try to identify the different sounds around you, near and far. The more you practice, the more sounds you'll discover.

Keep the external auditory canal clean
Sometimes debris or earwax can block the external auditory canal. This is a common cause of conductive hearing loss. Generally speaking, earwax has antibacterial properties and is protective and a small amount of earwax is normal for healthy people. Most ear tubes have a self-cleaning mechanism, but in some cases they become blocked or impacted, resulting in partial hearing loss.

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