What early reactions may affect hearing loss?

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As age continues to increase, the elderly's high-frequency hearing continues to decline, and as it progresses, full-frequency hearing loss will occur, leading to presbycusis. Severe deafness will cause the elderly to have difficulty communicating with others, making the elderly become increasingly withdrawn.

What early reactions can affect hearing loss?
For children, if they have hearing loss, it will directly affect the development of language. Young children cannot express themselves. Parents should be good at observing to see if the children are frightened or turn their heads in reaction to the sound. Older children can observe whether they can understand instructions, whether they can concentrate on listening at school, and whether they can actively cooperate with their peers when playing. Children aged three or four also need to pay attention to whether their language development is at the same level as children of the same age. Some children with mild hearing loss can also speak, but the clarity and development level will be lower than that of children of the same age. This should also attract the attention of parents.

For adults, the impact of hearing loss is also very large. In the early stage of hearing loss, you may often encounter the difficulty of hearing female voices or relatively small voices, or the difficulty of hearing verbal communication in a noisy environment. For some people with severe high-frequency loss, they often have unclear speech and enunciation. The phenomenon of "big tongue". In more severe cases, you may not be able to hear the phone ringing, feel that the pitch is not accurate when listening to some old songs, people around you may feel that the TV is too loud when watching TV, or even people around you may report that the sound is too loud when you speak. These are all signs of hearing loss. common manifestations. There are also some people who are unable to determine the location of the sound when they hear it. This is most likely due to hearing loss in one ear and the loss of the ability to locate sounds in both ears.

Regularly go to the professional hearing institution to detect hearing. When you or the people around you have the above performance, you will find "hearing the signs" in time. , don’t let hearing loss affect your quality of life.

The common factors that cause hearing loss are:
1. Long-term exposure to noise pollution: often wearing headphones to listen to music, but the sound is very loud without knowing it. If things go on like this, it will cause serious damage to the eardrum, and the human auditory nerve will also become unresponsive due to frequent ultrasonic stimulation, resulting in hearing loss.

2. Systemic diseases: autonomic nervous system disorders, lack of blood supply to the brain, pre-stroke, high blood pressure, hypotension, anemia, diabetes, and malnutrition.

3. Eating irritating foods: Exciting foods such as tobacco, alcohol, and barbecue are also important causes of hearing loss. Too many irritating foods usually cause severe irritation to the capillaries and auditory nerves of the ears.

4. Ear diseases: Common ear diseases are also an important cause of hearing loss, such as idiopathic deafness, otitis media and other diseases that have not been treated promptly and effectively. It will seriously damage ear cells and directly lead to hearing loss.

5. Excessive pressure: Long-term work pressure is too high, the mind is in a state of tension for a long time, the inner ear is stimulated, causing the auditory nerve capillaries to spasm and block, causing blood supply disorders to the inner ear and neuroepithelial cell deficiency. Insufficient blood and supply lead to necrosis, causing hearing loss without warning. If your hearing is indeed damaged, you should choose a hearing aid as soon as possible. Wearing a hearing aid can facilitate communication with others, improve the quality of life, and protect existing hearing. Deaf patients must be detected early, diagnosed early, and treated early.

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