How should parents face the reality that their children are deaf?

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When a situation like hearing loss occurs, it is the most innocent thing for a child to understand the feelings of parents. I have come into contact with many parents of deaf children, some of whom face it positively, and some of whom cannot accept it. All of this is understandable. What I want to explain here is that regardless of whether it is acceptable or not, the most important thing is to choose a hearing aid for your child as soon as possible.

How should parents face the reality that their children are deaf? 1. Seek medical attention as soon as possible: When a child is diagnosed with deafness and has a speech disorder caused by deafness, he should confide his grief to relatives and medical staff, listen calmly to the advice of medical staff, choose Hearing Aids early, and carry out hearing and language training early, so that he can Children should be integrated into mainstream society as early as possible. Parents should learn to deal with their own sadness and anxiety, and should understand that the road of life is full of ups and downs. Compared with blind people, paraplegia, cerebral palsy, mental disorders and other disabilities, hearing-impaired children are luckier than them.

2. Visit successful parents: See how other hearing-impaired children learned to speak after wearing hearing aids, and how they entered normal primary schools, middle schools and even universities. Communicate with these parents and learn from their successful experiences, so that you can face your own hearing impairment. Children will build confidence and see the hope of success.

3. Pay attention to personality development: You should train and educate your hearing-impaired children as if they were able-bodied children. Don’t think about what they “can’t do” everywhere, and be on guard at all times, fearing this or that, or going too far. Instead, we need to think more about “what children can do”, create conditions for them to explore and play, let them go out of the family, interact with other children, develop various abilities in the interaction, and gradually develop good habits. Personality quality.

4. Encouragement training: After choosing a hearing aid, be patient and loving towards your child, observe every subtle change in your child's hearing, and encourage your child in time when he or she makes a little progress. Timely encouragement can strengthen the child's existing abilities. progress and improve children's confidence in learning language. Mothers should avoid shedding too many tears or being sad in front of their children; parents should not quarrel in front of their children, because hearing-impaired children are very observant, and any change in their parents' faces will cause psychological changes in hearing-impaired children.

More and more hearing-impaired children have been cured. This fact shows that as long as parents make unremitting efforts and with the understanding, cooperation and support of medical staff, language training teachers and society, the vast majority of hearing-impaired children will be deaf but not mute, integrate into mainstream society, and grow into their own children. eat itA person who is powerful and useful to the family and society.

After spending a lot of money to choose hearing aids for their children, some parents are compensated for their self-blame, thinking that they have already paid for their children, thinking that their children will naturally speak after wearing hearing aids. It ignores that parents and other family members must work together to conduct listening and language training for their children anytime and anywhere, and observe every subtle change, progress, and problem in the hearing aid process. These children cannot learn to speak despite wearing hearing aids.

There are also some parents who are eager for success, thinking that their children will soon speak like children of the same age after wearing hearing aids. Their expectations are too high, forgetting that "one bite cannot make you fat" and "three feet in ice is not enough". It's such a simple truth. These parents often lose confidence in their children's listening and language training because they are eager for quick results.

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