Can I watch a movie if I have sudden tinnitus?

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Sudden tinnitus is called sudden tinnitus in medical terms. As the name suggests, it refers to the sudden onset of tinnitus or hearing loss. It can generally occur in different age groups, and is more common in middle-aged people. Currently, there is a trend of younger people, and the number of cases among young white-collar workers increase. When sudden tinnitus occurs, you should first adjust your mentality, don't be too nervous, go to the hospital for examination in time and cooperate with the doctor for treatment, use other hobbies to distract yourself from the tinnitus, adjust your life rhythm, and cultivate more points of interest.

Can I watch a movie if I have sudden tinnitus?

You shouldn’t go. Although there are treatments for tinnitus, it is still a medical problem recognized by the world, especially after tinnitus. I don’t know if the doctor has given you a hearing test and ultrasound. Normally, tinnitus will change with the outside sound. As it increases, I suggest you wait until the movie is offline before downloading and watching it. This will ensure your health.

What causes sudden tinnitus?

The causes of sudden tinnitus are complex, mainly including the patient's high stress, underlying diseases (such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia), and vasospasm.

There are two common types of patients: one is young people who are under great pressure, who often stay up late and live irregular lives, which leads to the disease; the other is middle-aged and elderly people, who suffer from arteriosclerosis, Vasospasm, which causes problems with the blood vessels supplying the ear, can lead to hearing problems.

How to treat deafness and tinnitus?
First of all, early detection and early treatment.
Sudden deafness is usually accompanied by symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus, ear fullness or dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. Patients can make self-judgements based on the above symptoms. Once symptoms are found to match, do not wait for it to heal on its own, it is best to quickly Go to the hospital for treatment and receive immediate treatment if the diagnosis is clear.
Pay special attention to unilateral deafness. Some patients may have hearing loss in one ear but can still hear in the other ear. If not enough attention is paid, treatment may be delayed, and the problem will become greater in the later stages.
Treatment of tinnitus includes treating known complications as well as directly addressing the impact of tinnitus on quality of life. For patients who need it, tinnitus is a chronic condition and the goal of treatment is to reduce its effects and any associated disability.
Many treatment methods have been studied, including behavioral therapy and drug therapy. But the benefits of these interventions have mostly not been conclusively proven in randomized trials.

Hearing Aids and cochlear implants can improve patients with tinnitus and hearing loss. Studies have shown that 34% to 93% of patients have their tinnitus disappear or reduce under electrical stimulation of the auditory pathway. However, it should be noted that cochlear implants are only suitable for patients who meet the implantation criteria, and patients need to be fully evaluated before considering cochlear implantation.

The editor has something to say:
There is no specific medicine for tinnitus. If you are suspected of having tinnitus, you should consult a clinician first and do not treat it on your own. For most patients, the goal of treatment is to reduce the impact of tinnitus on their lives.

In daily life, we can improve the body's "combat power" through healthy living habits. If we maintain a regular diet, live a regular life, release stress in time, and keep our body in a better state, "sudden tinnitus" will be far away from us.

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