What is deafness? Have you ever understood it?

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Deafness is a common disease in life. I believe there are people with deafness around you, so everyone is familiar with deafness. So, what is the cause of deafness? I believe many people don’t know.

Have you ever understood what deafness is? Tinnitus and deafness refers to the patient's conscious hearing of ringing in the ears, such as hearing a ringing sound or a sound like waves. Modern medicine believes that tinnitus and deafness are the result of different pathological changes in many diseases involving the sensory system. The pathogenesis is complex and is mainly manifested by the absence of corresponding external sound sources or internal sound sources. Clinically, it is not only a complication of many diseases, but also a complication of many diseases. Modern medicine refers to the first symptoms of some serious diseases as lesions in the auditory nerves and centers at all levels in the auditory system's sound transmission, sensory and auditory conduction pathways, causing hearing dysfunction and varying degrees of hearing loss, collectively referred to as deafness. Depending on the degree of hearing loss, it is also called hearing impairment, hearing loss, hearing loss, etc.

1. Noise: Noise is an important factor that directly causes hearing loss and is also an important cause of deafness. If you work or live in a high-decibel noise environment for a long time, auditory cells will gradually be damaged. If things go on like this, tinnitus and hearing loss will occur.

2. Trauma: In people's daily life, external injuries are everywhere, such as car accidents, direct injuries, severe vibrations, etc., which may cause damage to the tissues and organs in the ear.

3. Stress: The accumulation of excessive stress is an important reason why many people in today's society suffer from sudden deafness. Stress, fatigue, etc. will cause the body's immunity to decline, endocrine disorders, local blood vessel congestion, etc., which may cause local hypoxia and ischemia. If it occurs in the ears, it will affect the tissue function of the ears and affect hearing.

4. Drugs: Ototoxic drugs are an important factor in causing deafness. Medical research shows that common drugs that can cause deafness include aminoglycoside antibiotics, as well as some anti-tumor drugs, diuretics, anti-inflammatory analgesics, etc.

5. Some ear diseases, such as otitis media and acoustic neuroma, are important causes that directly cause deafness or partial hearing loss.

6. Pseudo-deafness: This condition is caused by a sudden onset of physical illness with unknown cause. Recovery can be achieved by not being exposed to noise for a short period of time.

7. Tumor: Conductive deafness is caused by tumors in the external and middle auditory canals.

8. Sudden: temporary deafness due to sudden arteriosclerosis, shock, etc.

9. Blast deafness: Acute damage to the hearing caused by sudden strong pressure waves and strong impulse noise.

10. Vascular: byDeafness occurs due to obstruction of microcirculation in the ear, damaged valves, etc.

There are some external factors that can be avoided. So friends must pay attention. Don't cause deafness due to some external factors. Be sure to protect your ears to avoid more unnecessary.

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